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BLOG > October 2018 > Utilities in Canada Use Standby Generators

Utilities in Canada Use Standby Generators

The Canadian Province Of Ontario Relies On Many Methods Of Power Generation. Emergency Power Is Needed For The Diverse Utility Infrastructure.

The Canadian infrastructure is like the United States. The systems are both connected for the transmission, distribution and sale of electricity. Utility companies supply residences with the same 120 VAC 60 Hz electricity. The biggest difference, Canada often uses 600 VAC versus the more common 480 VAC in the U.S.
mwangi-gatheca-qlKaN7eqay8-unsplash-(Custom).jpgFor Canadian Power information, read the Canadian Power Generation and Electrical Infrastructure article.

According to the IESO, nuclear power plants are responsible for 62.1% of the energy produced in Ontario. Hydroelectric supplies 26.8% while the remaining power is from gas, solar, biofuel, and other renewable energies.
Markham, located in the southern province of Ontario, is one of the fastest growing cities. Markham, Toronto, Ottawa, London, Hamilton, Sudbury, Cornwall, and Windsor also use a similar shared energy concept. To see an interesting chart on power distribution and consumption in Ontario, visit the Grid Watch live chart.

The utilities also provide thermal energy. This power runs commercial buildings, hotels, sports facilities and universities. Thermal energy is divided into heating and cooling categories.
Centralized facilities supplying thermal energy contain chillers, pumps, and heat exchanges. Buildings that are on the thermal grid do not need conventional heating and air conditioning equipment. 
Almost all power production creates heat. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems allow the heat from power generation to be recovered rather than lost.

Some systems boast 90% efficiency. This heat can then be used to heat buildings or drive chillers. For more information and a list of top utilities in Canada visit the Canadian Electircity Association's member page.

Emergency Generator Provided to Canadian Utility
Generator Source recently shipped a 1500 kW Caterpillar generator to a utility customer in Canada. The customer requested a unit to meet their backup power requirements for a facility that utilizes thermal energy. The thermal relies on the power grid to operate equipment via electricity or thermal recovery.
When power is lost to a thermal building, heating and cooling is lost as well. Each building on the grid could have power, but not heat or chill water. Emergency generators provide power to needed systems during outages. An example of power loss with backup generator below:

A thermal facility has a dedicated substation with transformer(s). The substation suffers a failure. All buildings, except the thermal facility within the complex, have power but will lose the thermal grid if power is not restored.
The Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) activates, the diesel generator starts up and assumes the load. Thermal facility operators adjust the system for loss of main power operation. Thermal grid suffers minimal downtime and is operational.

When utility power is restored, the ATS transfers the load to the utility. The generator operates in cool down mode and then shuts down. The operators restore the building to normal operating standards.
The above sequence is fictional. The question is not if, but when power is lost, can I maintain operation? Recently, a Cummins 1500 kW generator was sold to a large utility client. That generator will serve any desired application. 
We offer a wide range of industrial generators to meet your needs. Click here to see all generators currently in stock. Feel free to Contact Us with any questions or industrial power needs.
What are the main sources of electricity generation in Canada?
Hydroelectricity (59.3%)
Nuclear (16%)
Fossil fuels (coal 9.5%, natural gas 8.5%, petroleum 1.3%)
Non-hydro renewables like wind and solar (5.2%)
Which provinces rely most heavily on hydroelectric power?
Quebec, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Newfoundland and Labrador have vast hydroelectric resources that provide them with abundant clean energy.
How much electricity does Canada generate annually?
In 2014, Canada generated 639 terawatt hours of electricity.
Who has jurisdiction over electricity in Canada?
Provinces and territories have jurisdiction over generation, transmission and distribution of electricity within their borders. The federal government regulates interprovincial power lines, nuclear power, and electricity exports.
How is the electricity market structured in different provinces?
Market structures vary across Canada, ranging from:
Fully deregulated market in Alberta.
Hybrid market in Ontario.
Regulated, vertically integrated markets in other provinces.


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