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BLOG > May 2022 > Texas Water Facilities Required To Have Backup Power

Texas Water Facilities Required To Have Backup Power

With The Unpredicted February Freeze Of 2021, The State Of Texas Realized It Was Ill-Prepared For Power Outages.

Texas was caught off guard when temperatures plumetted below freezing for an extended time in February 2021. Officials realized the state was ill prepared in many areas for power outages.

One of the first and most crucial changes was a new law to prepare Texas’ critical infrastructure for extreme weather emergencies. A new state law, SB 3, requires water utilities to develop and implement emergency preparedness plans to keep their services operating during any power outage. Water utilities have multiple options for meeting the requirements of SB 3, including backup generators.

Part of the new law states: A wastewater treatment facility must be designed to achieve primary treatment and to disinfect the wastewater to ensure compliance with the bacteria limits established in the wastewater treatment facility's wastewater permit during all power outages, including outages that are longer than outage predicted based on the power reliability determination required.    
All components of the disinfection system, including any reclaimed water used to make a chemical solution, must operate at full capacity during all power outages according to the requirements of §217.37 of the title (relating to Disinfection System Power Reliability), including outages that are longer than outage predicted based on the power reliability.

Return activated sludge pumps must be operational during any power outage.   

If portable generators or pumps are used to guarantee service, the engineering report must include:

  • the storage location of each generator and pump
  • the amount of time that will be needed to transport each generator or pump to where it will be used
  • the treatment units to which each generator or pump is designated as a backup
  • the routine maintenance and upkeep that will be done for each portable generator and pump to ensure that they will be operational when needed.
Are you prepared for the upcoming Deadline?

By July 1, 2022: You must have your emergency plan implemented. We here at Generator Source can help with the pressure of finding the proper Generator for your application. With 400+ generators in stock and ready to ship we can find something to fit your needs.

Story Summary

Why were new backup power requirements implemented?
The February 2021 winter storm exposed vulnerabilities in Texas' critical infrastructure, including water utilities. In response, the state passed SB 3 to require water utilities to develop emergency preparedness plans to maintain operations during power outages.

What are the main requirements of the new law?
Water and wastewater facilities must:
  • Ensure primary treatment and disinfection during all power outages
  • Have all disinfection system components operate at full capacity during outages
  • Keep return activated sludge pumps operational during outages
  • Develop detailed plans if using portable generators/pumps
When did the requirements take effect?
Water utilities were required to have their emergency preparedness plans implemented by July 1, 2022.

What options do utilities have for backup power?
Options include:
  • Permanent on-site generators
  • Portable generators
  • Dual power feeds from different substations/utilities
  • Alternative power sources like solar (though less reliable)
How are utilities choosing backup power solutions?
Very large utilities typically opt for permanent generators, while smaller ones often choose portable generators. Mid-size utilities may consider both options.

What size generators are commonly used?
For water utilities, the most common generator sizes are between 50-150 kilowatts, depending on pump and motor sizes.

Are there exceptions to the generator requirements?
Yes, facilities may be able to use upstream storage in lift stations and collection systems instead of generators if they can demonstrate sufficient capacity.

What maintenance is required for backup systems?
Regular maintenance and testing of generators and related equipment is critical. Utilities must have plans for routine upkeep to ensure operability.

Diesel Admin | 5/11/2022 2:07:18 PM | 0 comments
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