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BLOG > April 2017 > Storing Diesel Fuel - What You Need to Know

Storing Diesel Fuel - What You Need to Know

Did You Know The Average Lifespan On Diesel Fuel Is 6 to 12 Months?  

When storing diesel fuel, there are a few key aspects you need to be aware of. Factors include how long you'll be storing it, fuel stability, tank conditions and more.
When your genset runs on diesel, there are some extra considerations to keep in mind when storing fuel for future use. After all, getting a backup generator makes no sense if the fuel isn’t readily available to use. Even worse, improperly storing your diesel fuel can create a safety issue for you and your business. But there’s no need to worry because we’ve taken the guesswork out of long-term storage.

How Long Can Diesel Be Stored?

Unfortunately, as soon as diesel leaves the refinery, it begins to oxidize. As it oxidizes, sediments form in diesel that can irreparably damage your generator.

While it is possible to delay the oxidation process by keeping your diesel fuel at cooler temperatures (below 70 degrees Fahrenheit), diesel fuel only lasts around 6 to 12 months. As a result, be aware of how much diesel you have onsite as well as how long it’s been sitting in the tank.

Tips For Keeping Fuel Stable

If you want to prolong the shelf life of stored diesel, the use of biocides and stability treatments can extend the lifespan of fuel.

Biocides actively attack diesel fuel bacteria growth, which blocks harmful sediments from forming. Fuel stability treatments, meanwhile, prevent diesel from breaking down on a chemical level. It’s also important to make sure storage tanks are properly maintained. Over time, water contamination can be a threat for any diesel storage unit.

Most experts recommend that you minimize the amount of empty space inside your storage tank, as this can allow moisture to accumulate. Unwanted water within a tank can create a whole host of problems, including but not limited to, degradation of fuel.

Storage and Tank Regulations

Regulations on fuel storage units can vary from state to state. There are different laws and policies in every area of the country, so it’s important to acquaint yourself with local policies prior to installing or placing a storage tank on your property.

Before purchasing and storing your diesel fuel, you’ll need to know whether your tank is underground, bunkered or above ground. This will help you learn if it meets local structural and leak prevention measures. Factors will also dictate the appropriate actions for repair, alteration or reconstruction.

The Best Conditions For Storing Diesel

In addition to storing your diesel fuel at slightly cooler temperatures, there are several other considerations to safely store fuel. Make sure diesel is stored in an isolated area. If you’re working with an above ground tank, it’s a good idea to build a canopy or enclosure around the tank to keep water out and reduce the amount of sun directly hitting your tank.

If your tank is situated below your genset, you’ll want to be sure it’s situated on a slab or raised surface to help with accessibility. Keep an eye on your tank to avoid water build up. Never let water pool at the top or on the sides of a diesel tank and check inside the tank regularly to make sure moisture hasn’t built up inside.

Finally, it might go without saying but keep your storage tanks far away from any points of ignition. If there are any electrical outlets near your storage tanks, have an electrician check them for safety.

Keep Your Genset Humming

At Generator Source, we understand the importance of making sure diesel fuel is ready to go when you need it. That’s why we take pride in our keen knowledge of diesel consumption requirements, current diesel prices and a generator's needs. We take all these thoughts into real value for our customers.
When you need diesel fuel for your industrial generator, and you want nothing but the best, Generator Source is waiting to hear from you.

Story Summary

How long can diesel fuel be stored?
Diesel fuel can typically be stored for 6-12 months before significant degradation occurs. With proper storage conditions and additives, it may last up to 1-2 years.

What are the ideal storage conditions for diesel?
  • Store in a clean, dry, airtight tank or container
  • Keep cool, ideally below 70°F (21°C)
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight and extreme temperatures
  • Minimize air and water exposure
Should additives be used for long-term storage?
Yes, fuel stabilizers and biocides can help extend diesel shelf life:
  • Fuel stabilizers prevent oxidation and chemical breakdown
  • Biocides prevent microbial growth
  • Use additives specifically formulated for diesel, not gasoline
How full should storage tanks be kept?
Fill tanks as much as possible, leaving minimal air space
Don't fill past 95% capacity to allow for fuel expansion

How often should store diesel be checked?
Inspect fuel quality and tank conditions regularly, at least every 6 months
Look for signs of contamination like cloudy appearance or sediment

What are signs diesel has gone bad?
  • Dark, cloudy appearance
  • Gelling or separation of fuel
  • Sludge or sediment in the tank
  • Strong, sour odor

| 4/5/2017 12:12:56 PM | 0 comments
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