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We Buy & Sell Industrial Generators

Established 1981

Field Services Tackles Generac 80 kW That Was A Bit Loud For Operations!
Austin Field Service Team Addresses Noise Concerns On Emergency Medical Service Building Generator 

You never know what you might find on a service call. In the past, we’ve found raccoons, cats, and more living in gensets. Sometimes there are massive leaks on a new client's generator, but this time, the muffler on an 80 kW Generac was the main problem so easy fix. No animal control, cages, or waders were needed!
“While on site performing service on a Generac, it was discovered that the unit’s muffler had failed due to rust which blew the muffler’s end out,” said Chris at the Generator Source Austin office. “This caused the noise level of the unit to become excessively loud even from 30 yards away. This caused a disruption to a 911 dispatch center every time the unit was running at the EMS building.
“The customer was also weary of the cost of the repair due to their last service provider constantly adding parts without their knowledge or approval,” added Chris. “We tackled the repair and got it looking and running like new again.”
Replacing a muffler is easy, but given the conditions of the surrounding parts, a little more work was involved. See the before picture, top right.
“Once on site, it was discovered that the exhaust flange pipe had sustained damage and needed replacement along with a hidden remote radiator fan drive belt,” added Chris. “We brought these items up to the customer and provided them with our recommendations to replace and repair those items now to avoid any additional damage down the line.
“Our service manager worked up an addendum to the proposal while the tech was still on site, the proposal was submitted and was approved by the customer to proceed with all the needed and recommended repairs,” continued Chris. “During the removal of the second muffler to install the new muffler and upfit kit, the second muffler’s side started to break away due to excessive rust as well.
“The remote fan drive belt was also replaced and found it to be severely cracked and frayed in multiple areas,” continued Chris. “We showed both parts to the customer so that they could see the same condition of these parts that we were seeing and the reason for their recommended and needed replacements. The repairs were completed, and the customer was extremely satisfied thanks to the fact that the unit is no longer going to cause a disruption while running.
“Part of the advantage with Generator Source, we can operate quickly and get parts so fast if something else needs attention—something they have not had in a previous vendor being able to that do before and really appreciated this above and beyond approach.
 “The customer stated that they just expected us to wave off any newly discovered problems that needed repairs entirely and come back with a requote and then reschedule the repairs,” said Chris. “And just like that, the customer’s Generac is back up and running and they are pleased with the repairs and how communicative we were with them throughout the entire process. Also, at no time did they have to wonder where we were at or how long until we were finished.”
See the after picture, immediate right. How is your commercial standby generator looking these days? Generator Source has been in business for more than 40 years but is relatively new to Austin and can help! Call for a quote on a service contract or repair. We would love to earn your business. Click here for more information on Texas or call
(512) 631-9998.
For industrial generator service and repairs in the Florida or Colorado regions, click here or call (877) 866-6895.   

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