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We Buy & Sell Industrial Generators

Established 1981

Local City Lift Station Generator Service Call
Local Municipalities Count Of Generator Source Field Services To Keep City Utilities Up and Running

When it comes to flowing water in a pipe of any kind, as you might imagine, valleys and low points present a problem. If you need water, or wastewater for that matter, to flow, lift stations are required to pump the water up so it can then flow down the line further by gravity. If a transfer box or generator isn’t working when the power goes out, that water will not move—not a good thing!

Recently our Colorado Field Services team was troubleshooting a lift station’s power. The transfer switch was not getting the signal to switch automatically to the Cummins generator, so our guys were called in to help the city out.

IMG_1699-(Custom).jpg“The wastewater in the sewer system here is situated in a low area so this lift station was installed to get the water past this point,” said Glen, generator technician at Generator Source. “These stations lift the wastewater to a higher point so it can again flow freely along the desired path by gravity, on its way to the treatment plant.

“The city guys tell me that when the power goes out, the generator is not getting the automatic transfer power signal from the junction box,” added Glen. “So, we are going to troubleshoot all the connections to see if there’s an electrical board problem, a fuse issue or just a configuration issue.”

Glen spent about an hour running tests with power on, power off. He could easily get the Cummins standby generator to fire up, but it appeared to be a problem in the junction box. Checking the junction box’s configurations and testing all components, he was able to fix the problem and the unit will continue to pump the wastewater to ensure it keeps moving to the water treatment plan.

The Generator Source team also maintains many of the city’s generators and this unit was literally steps away from our headquarters in Colorado.
Not only does Generator Source buy and sell generators worldwide, but we also offer generator field services and rentals in Colorado, Texas and Florida.

Yes, from those locations like Brighton, Colorado Pensacola and Jacksonville in Florida, there is also regional coverage that extends into Southern Wyoming, Western Nebraska, Southern Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and even Louisiana. Stay tuned—the company is growing fast after proving itself over the last 40 years!

For generator service call (866) 518-1240 or click here. For Generator rentals learn more here. For buying and purchasing of generators, call (866) 518-1240 or reach out via e-mail to or

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