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We Buy & Sell Industrial Generators

Established 1981

Security Power: Upgrading A Genset Control At Correctional Institution
Our Team Is Trusted To Help Secure Many Important Facilities From Top Secret Operations To Prisons, Zoos And Hospitals....   

At Generator Source, our commitment to providing reliable and efficient power solutions extends to all types of facilities, including high-security environments. Recently, we undertook a crucial project at Hamilton Correctional Institution (Hamilton CI), where we upgraded the generator control system to ensure the facility's power supply remained secure and uninterrupted.

FDOC-Service-Call-3-(Custom).jpgThe Challenge: Outdated And Costly Control System

The existing control panel had become obsolete and non-functional, presenting a significant challenge. Roy, our expert technician, was called to assess the situation.

"The original control panel was beyond repair and would cost a lot to replace," Roy explained. "The customer asked if we could come up with an alternative solution."

After a brief 30-minute inspection, Roy and his team devised a plan to replace the outdated control panel with a modern upgraded system. This solution promised enhanced functionality and reliability without the hefty price tag of the original replacement.

Seamless Installation: Expertise in Action

The installation process was executed with precision and efficiency. Roy, along with another skilled technician, spent just over seven hours on-site to install and test the new control system.

"The installation went smoothly without any issues," Roy noted. "We made sure to test run the unit thoroughly to ensure everything was working perfectly."

The upgraded control system not only met but exceeded the customer’s expectations. The new setup provided a reliable and cost-effective solution, ensuring the prison’s power needs were securely met. The customer's satisfaction was a testament to our commitment to deliver top-notch service and innovative solutions.

Conclusion: Ensuring Security with Reliable Power Solutions

At Generator Source, we understand the critical importance of reliable power in high-security environments like Hamilton CI. Our successful control system upgrade is just one example of how we provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients. Whether it's a prison, a hospital, or any other critical infrastructure, we are dedicated to ensuring an uninterrupted power supply with innovative and cost-effective solutions.

Are you looking to upgrade your power solution today? Our Jacksonville team can help. Call (904) 870-9486 or click here for more information. We also offer generator services in Colorado and Austin, TX. Click here for more information in the other regions.

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