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Approximate Natural Gas Consumption Chart

This chart approximates the fuel consumption* of a natural gas generator based on the size of the generator and the load at which the generator is operating at. Please note that this table is intended to be used as an estimate of how much fuel a generator uses during operation and is not an exact representation due to various factors that can increase or decrease the amount of fuel consumed.

Download PDF of Natural Gas Fuel Consumption Chart

Generator Size (kW) 1/4 Load (ft3/hr) 1/2 Load (ft3/hr) 3/4 Load (ft3/hr) Full Load (ft3/hr)
20 157 188 247 289
30 202 260 348 416
40 246 333 449 543
60 334 479 652 798
75 400 588 803 990
100 510 771 1056 1308
125 621 953 1308 1627
135 665 1026 1409 1754
150 731 1135 1561 1946
175 841 1317 1813 2264
200 952 1500 2066 2583
230 1084 1718 2369 2965
250 1172 1864 2571 3220
300 1393 2229 3076 3857
350 1614 2593 3581 4495
400 1834 2958 4086 5132
500 2276 3687 5096 6407
600 2717 4416 6107 7681
750 3379 5509 7622 9593
1000 4482 7332 10147 12780

*Fuel consumption is based on 1015 Btu/standard ft3 natural gas

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