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Southwest Products (SWP) Generators

Southwet Products - Company Information

SWP has more than 50 years of manufacturing experience. Boasting a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, SWP is located in Surprise, Arizona with corporate headquarters is in Vancouver, Washington. They manufacturer power generators and service vehicles. In addition, SWP is a distributor of industrial engines such as Volvo Penta, Perkins, and Isuzu. Their in-house product development and engineering team allow for production of high quality generators manufactured with customized solutions.

Portable Generators Manufactured

SWP QP500 Generator
Mobile and commercial are the two manufacturing production classifications for generator sets. Mobile generators are designated QP generators and are complete systems including fuel tanks. The engine and generator are located in a sound attenuated enclosure that allows for quite operation (75 dBA @ 75') for the QP 625 Generator). The mobile generators manufactured are:
  • QP 25 - Standby 25 kVA/20 kW, Prime 23 kVA/18 kW
  • QP 35 - Standby 35 kVA/28 kW, Prime 32 kVA/26 kW
  • QP 45 - Standby 50 kVA/40 kW, Prime 45 kVA/36 kW
  • QP 190 - Standby 188 kVA/150 kW, Prime 163 kVA/130 kW
  • QP 400 - Standby 400 kVA/320 kW, Prime 360 kVA/298 kW
  • QP 500 - Standby 500 kVA/400 kW, Prime 438 kVA/350 kW
  • QP 625 - Standby 625 kVA/500 kW, Prime 569 kVA/455 kW.
The commercial generators are designated VP. Commercial units are complete generating systems designed for use in a facility or permanent enclosure. They have the ability to connect to the building's intake, exhaust, and fuel tanks. The production models range from VP8 to VP100.

Click Below to View our current SWP Generators in Inventory :

Emergency and Prime Power Supply

Generator Engine
Portability, ease of operation, heavy-duty design, and a variety of sizes allow SWP generators to be used in different applications across many different industries. The trailer construction allows for transportation across rougher terrains. 

Each SWP generator is rated for standby or prime operation. Standby or emergency operation is short-term running. Prime operation is running for longer periods of time. For more information, go to our Generator Rating article. A rule of thumb is that a dual rated generator can operate under greater load for shorter amounts of time. When the load is reduced the same generator can operate for longer periods of time. Examples are:
  • (Example 1) Standby/Emergency - Level 1 systems are installed in facilities where power failure could result in the loss of human life (hospitals and health care facilities). Level 2 systems are used when there is not a danger to human life in the event of power loss such as industries that cannot afford power failures such as data centers and bio-pharmacies. The portable generator can be moved into needed area and supply power in the event of a utility outage during maintenance or repair of the installed backup generator.
  • (Example 2) Prime Supply - Construction, oil exploration/drilling, remote seafood facilities, agriculture and mining are a few industries that use these generators. The generators can be deployed quickly to equipment in isolated areas. Large sites can utilize multiple generators and move to equipment needed for a project. Once the project is complete the generator moves with equipment to the next project.

Construction Allows Upgrades & Customization

Generator Upgrade
The geographic location of some industries requires the generator be upgraded to withstand extreme operating conditions. These conditions can include severe cold and snow. Remote locations offer difficult terrain to travel over.

Portable SWP generators are constructed to industrial standards. This allows the additions of upgrades to the units. Always consult the manufacturer's warranty information before planning upgrades. Never allow unqualified personnel perform generator upgrades.

A recent client required rugged, dependable, portable generators for a drilling site in Alaska. We installed electrical and mechanical upgrades to allow for extreme weather operation. Electrical upgrades added additional operational capabilities. For more information see our Oil and Gas Drilling Sties article.

Contact Us and we will answer any questions you have on SWP generators. Our skilled staff provides direction for all power generation needs. With stock on site, we offer a quick turn-around time. 
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